1. Run a self-cleaning cycle on your Dell printer. The commands you enter to run the cycle vary with your model, so consult your user's manual. The self-cleaning cycle will remove waste toner from the cartridge.
2. Put on your ventilator mask so you don't inhale toner particles. Put on rubber gloves, as well, so you don't stain your fingers with the toner.
3. Unplug the printer. Spread the sheet on the floor. Roll the printer over the sheet, or pick it up and set it down, if it is small enough. Wait two hours for the printer to cool down.
4. Open the door of the laser printer and pull the toner cartridge up and out of the printer. Set it down on the sheet. Stretch the sides of your toner cloth to 'activate' it. Toner cloths trap toner particles. Wipe down the outside of your cartridge with the cloth.
5. Turn on the toner vacuum. Insert the nozzle into the printer, but do not touch the nozzle to any of the internal components. The suction is very strong and may damage the components. Use the vacuum to suck up loose toner particles. Open all printer drawers and run the vacuum along all the outer surfaces.
6. Dip your cotton swap into the Isopropyl alcohol and run it along the exposed corona wires that run through your machine. Run the cotton swab along the corners where the vacuum couldn't suck up the particles.
7. Replace the cartridge and plug the machine back in. Dispose of the sheet and the toner cloth.
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