1. Sell advertising space if you wish to include ads. Canvas local businesses. Offer 1/8-page ads, 1/4-page ads and 1/2-page ads or whatever sizes you wish depending on the booklet size. The businesses will most likely supply the ad copy themselves.
2. Design the layout for the various book sections. The cover should be colorful and evocative of the pageant. The booklet should include a message from the pageant director, a contestant gallery, advertising space, a schedule of events, a pageant staff gallery or listing and a judges' gallery with biographies.
3. Arrange full photo pages in a photo editor with text captions and titles; put together pages consisting of text in a word processing application. Dedicate as much space as needed to each section; create an even number of pages, divisible by four.
4. Print your booklet. For an eight-page booklet, the cover and page 8 will be together on one side of the paper, and pages 2 and 7 will be together on the other side of the paper. Pages 3 and 6 will be side by side on another sheet of paper, with pages 4 and 5 side by side on the other side of the paper.
5. Compile the booklets. Place the pages together in the correct order. Line up the edges of the book and fold the book down the center. Place two staples on the center crease of the booklet to secure the pages.
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