Monday, March 2, 2015

How to Remove Printer Ink From Clothing Skin

1. Remove the article of clothing. Use the upholstery attachment on your vacuum to remove the loose printer ink if the ink is in a powdered form.
2. Allow your sink to fill with cold water and submerge the article of clothing into the water. Agitate the clothing and water with your hand. Allow the water to drain from the sink.
3. Apply a prewash stain treatment to the printer ink stain. Allow the prewash stain treatment to sit on the clothing for 10 minutes. Launder the item in cold water.
1. Wash the area that is stained with printer ink with soap and cool water. If after washing the printer ink is still present, continue to Step 2.
2. Apply water-displacing spray to the skin and gently rub with a cloth. Rinse with cool water.
3. Alternatively, spray a non-oily hairspray to the printer ink stained skin. Allow the hairspray to sit on your skin for 10 seconds. Wash the area with water and soap and rinse clean.

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