Tuesday, May 26, 2015

How to Refill a HP Deskjet 960C Ink Cartridge

1. Hold the cartridge upside down and look for the small circle of film in the center of the underside. Remove this film, using a utility knife blade to help peel it away. This reveals the filler hole, sealed by a ball bearing. Push the ball bearing into the cartridge with the tip of the knife or the point of a writing pen.
2. Fill a clean plastic syringe bottle with as much black ink as it will hold.
3. Inject the ink into the cartridge slowly. Look for ink to seep up out of the hole to indicate it is full. This cartridge holds up to 20 milliliters of ink, so more than one injection may be needed. Put any excess ink back into its original container. Wash out the syringe after the cartridge is full.
4. Squeeze the sides of the cartridge firmly while you insert a small plastic plug into the filer hole. This is needed to keep excess air out of the cartridge and ensure it will fit back into the printer. You should see a drop of ink leak out of the print head as you do this.
5. Let the cartridge stand right side up with the print head facing down for a couple of minutes so excess ink can drip out and the pressure within the cartridge, will stabilize. If you use a paper towel to catch the drippings, don't let the print head touch the towel for more than two minutes. This can ruin the print head's 'wicking effect' and cause the ink to pour out.

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