Sunday, May 24, 2015

How to Set Up a Network Printer on a Lynksys Router

1. Connect the printer to the router and plug in the router. The router comes with a power cable, but you need an ethernet cable to connect the printer. Also ensure that the printer is turned on.
2. Open a web browser and navigate to the address for your Linksys router. By default, Linksys routers ship with for an IP address. This opens a screen where you're prompted for a username and password. Linksys ships with the default username 'admin' and a blank password.
3. Click the 'Setup Print Server' icon at the startup screen. This starts the print server setup wizard. Click the 'Next' button. Since the printer is already connected to the router, click 'Next' on the screens instructing you to connect the printer to the router. Continue pressing 'Next' in the Linksys wizard until you get to the step with a refresh button and an IP list.
4. Click the 'Refresh' button. In the list of printers, you should see your printer with an associated IP address. Click the 'Next' button.
5. Select 'Automatically obtain an IP address' at the next screen. This allows the router to assign an IP address to the printer each time it's powered off and back on. Click the 'Next' button.
6. Enter a username and password for your Linksys print server. If you leave these values blank, anyone can change the settings. Click the 'Next' button. If your Linksys is a wireless router, the next screen prompts you for a username and password to access the wireless connection to the print server. Again, if this is left blank, anyone with a wireless connection can access the printer. Click the 'Next' button.
7. Click the 'Next' button until you reach the summary screen with a 'Test Print' button. You can click this button to send a print command to the printer to see if it's working properly. Once finished, click the 'Finish' button. The printer is now set up to print through the Linksys router.

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