Sunday, May 3, 2015

How to Refill HP Tri Color Ink Cartridges (5 Steps)

1. Verify your HP printer ink particulars. The assorted printers consume different tri color cartridges and refill kits. You need to identify the model of your color printer along with the tri color ink cartridge. Look at the Hewitt-Packard printer for this information, in the manual or on the tri color cartridges. Write down the details.
2. Buy your tri color HP refill kit. Locate one for your model or tri color cartridge. The kit will be made up of tools and color inks crucial for your printer.
3. Know the refill kits procedures. The kits will have instructions on how to correctly fill your HP tri color cartridge. Read them to learn how to go through the complete process. Be sure you understand them before you start.
4. Assemble an ink refilling area. It is a good idea to set more than a few papers down, have on rubber gloves and you may also want to change into an old shirt. Remove all of the HP refill kits contents and place them on or near the newspaper. Place paper towels nearby as well.
5. Refill your tri color HP ink cartridge. Get the tri color ink cartridge from your printer. Hewitt-Packard models differ from each other yet, the basic manner of refilling tri color ink will include the following in some form: you will first have to create a hole in the cartridge with a drill-like device, or increase an existing hole or find one by removing a cover on the tri color cartridge. After that you will have to use the provided syringes to get the ink from the bottles and then gradually insert it into your HP ink cartridge. Do no let the color inks to overflow during this process. After all colors have been refilled, you will have to cover the hole with either tape or a cover. Position the tri color cartridge back into your printer and then run numerous cleaning processes to complete.

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