Thursday, January 29, 2015

How To Use My Dell Projector With My Lenovo Laptop

1. Connect a VGA cable to the VGA input on the projector. The VGA input is blue, trapezoidal, and labled 'VGA A in' or 'VGA In' depending on the model of your computer.
2. Connect the other end of the VGA cable to the VGA output on your Lenovo laptop. Depending on the model of the laptop, the VGA output is either along the side of the laptop or on the back.
3. Turn on both the projector and the laptop.
4. Right-click on the desktop of your computer, and select 'Properties.'
5. Click on the 'Settings' tab, then click on the blue box labeled '2.'
6. Check the box labled 'Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor.' The box is located near the bottom of the screen with the blue box labeled '2.' Click 'OK' when you are done.
7. Press 'Input' or the left arrow on the top of the projector to change the input on the projector until the computer screen displays on the screen.

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