Monday, January 19, 2015

How to Print From Photoshop

1. Launch Adobe Photoshop and open the file you want to print. Go to the file drop-down menu and select 'Open,' then browse through the file directory to select your file.
2. Check your image's resolution. Photos look best printed at 300 DPI. A DPI under 300 hundred will look normal onscreen but will look pixilated when printed. To adjust DPI, go to the image drop-down menu and select 'Image size.' Make sure the constrained proportions box is checked and adjust the resolution to 300 pixels. This will ensure your image will look crisp when printed.
3. Adjust your color profile. According to the Stanford University's Visuals Services Department, you will need to select the correct color profile in Photoshop to obtain the best prints. Photoshop allows users to print from grayscale, RGB or CMYK color profiles. 'CMYK images may not print correct colors,' the department warns, especially if you are printing from home. You will need to refer to your printer's color-settings to select the appropriate profile. If you are printing from a home-office printer, most likely you will use the grayscale profile for black-and-white prints and the RGB profile for color prints.
Adjust the color profile, click the Image drop-down menu, select 'Mode,' and adjust the profile accordingly.
4. Check the page set-up and orientation. Go to the file drop-down menu and select 'Page set-up.' This will bring up a dialog box that allows you to choose the page size. If you are printing at home, in most cases you will be printing from standard letter-size paper (8.5 x 11 inches). After selecting the proper page alignment press 'OK.'
5. Print your file using print preview. Go to the file drop-down menu and select 'Print preview.' This opens up a dialog box that provides extra printing options. In most cases, the computer will pre-select your printer, but if you use multiple printers make sure the program has selected the correct one. If your document is smaller than standard letter-sized paper, you should not have any problems printing. If your image is slightly larger, be sure to check the 'Scale to Fit Media' option. Click the 'Print' button to send your image to the printer.

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