Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How to Reset a Pixma MP250 Cartridge (10 Steps)

1. Press the power button to turn off the printer.
2. Hold the 'Stop/Reset' button while pushing the power button. While still holding down the power button, release the 'Stop/Reset' button and then push it twice in a row.
3. Wait approximately 20 to 30 seconds until the LED shows 0.
4. Push the 'Stop/Reset' button four times in a row.
5. Push the power button twice.
6. Turn off the printer by pushing the power button one more time. The printer is now reset. Next comes resetting the counter on the cartridge.
7. Unplug the power and the USB cables from the printer.
8. Open the cartridge door and hold down the power button.
9. Reconnect the power cables while still holding down the power button.
10. Close the cartridge door and release the power button. The ink cartridge is now reset.

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